July 29, 2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Many communities are in desperate need of repairs and/or maintenance, but cannot afford to pay for such items. Whether the lack of money results from limitations on assessment increases or special assessment approval requirements in the governing documents or insufficient funding of the reserve account, these associations are left struggling to figure out how they can pay for these necessary services.
In this class, we will have three experts speaking on three critical finance topics for HOAs: Melissa Garcia will be speaking on assessment increases and special assessments, Bryan Farley from Association Reserves will be speaking on reserve studies and proper reserve funding, and April Ahrendsen from CIT will be speaking on HOA loans. This class will discuss several scenarios in which associations may be limited on their ability to obtain funds and explore both creative and proactive options for getting the much needed monies. If you have a community that is struggling financially, you should plan on attending this class.
This class is being held online.