Greeley City Class – Eight Meeting Mistakes and Fair Housing Laws

  •  September 12, 2024
     5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

This class is being hosted by the City of Greeley, not Altitude Community Law. Colorado law imposes quite a few requirements on membership and board meetings.  For example, meeting notices must contain certain information, be delivered in a certain manner, and within a specific time frame.  Additionally, certain decisions cannot be made during certain meetings …  Go to Event

Longmont City Class – Avoiding Discrimination in Your Association

  •  September 25, 2024
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

This class is being hosted by the City of Longmont, not Altitude Community Law. Most associations accused of discriminating had no intent to discriminate, and didn’t even realize their actions could be viewed as discriminatory.  But did you know that you don’t have to intend to discriminate to be liable for discrimination?  For example, your …  Go to Event

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