William Short

Partner - Litigation

Phone: 303.991.2030
Bill Short brings great depth and breadth to the dispute resolution process in the community association and business arenas. His skills come from 40 years of experience in a variety of disputes and settings. He has tried over 150 lawsuits and arbitrations in Colorado and Wyoming. He has argued appellate cases in the Colorado and Wyoming Supreme Courts, the Colorado Court of Appeals and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. He approaches litigation like sailing across the Atlantic – which he has done- with preparation, perseverance and by confronting challenges head on. Bill is also dedicated and passionate about educating and assisting clients to avoid litigation and reduce conflict through strategic planning, wise risk management and effective negotiating.

B.A., University of Vermont – 1979
Juris Doctorate, Emory University School of Law – 1982

Professional Organizations:
Colorado Bar Association – Since 1983
Denver Bar Association – Since 1983
Wyoming Bar Association – Since 2015
Community Associations Institute – Since 1998

Upcoming Speaking Engagements:


10/05 Harassment – What is it and When is it Actionable?

Recent Publications by William (Bill) H. Short

Wha-a-t? The title of the article took your eyes this far, so please read on. First, a lawyerly disclaimer: I am one of those pesky “the glass is half-full” people. That said, I’m certainly not touting the social benefits of this insidious disease. But I’m also a firm believer that our attitudes, energy and approachGoGo to Resource
A quote by an American essayist named Agnes Repplier reads: “Fair play is less characteristic of groups than of individuals.” I want to put that to rest as far as the citizens of Fairplay, Colorado, because they are a kind, generous and amazing group. I blew into Fairplay during a fierce storm, but couldn’t blowGoGo to Resource
T’is the season for public elections and for community association annual meetings.  You probably assumed the last word in the title above to be “VOte.”  And yes, that’s one of the things we urge readers to do.  Everybody has positions, opinions, differences of opinion and even disagreements over both public policy and HOA governance.  WeGoGo to Resource

Recurring Insurance Claim Handling Issues

Insurance is an essential part of any community association’s risk management program.  But purchasing a good policy is only the first step in the process.  Proper claims handling must occur for the association to receive the benefits of insurance.  Colorado’s Front Range experiences some of the highest hail storm frequency and severity in the country.Go to Resource
The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) released its Sunset Review for the HOA Information and Resource Office on October 15, 2019 (Report).  This article summarizes that Report and makes some observations.  Please review the Report and draw your own conclusions.  This article contains the opinions of the author, and not the opinions or positions ofGoGo to Resource
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