Wha-a-t? The title of the article took your eyes this far, so please read on. First, a lawyerly disclaimer: I am one of those pesky “the glass is half-full” people. That said, I’m certainly not touting the social benefits of this insidious disease. But I’m also a firm believer that our attitudes, energy and approachGoGo to Resource
William Short
Bill Short brings great depth and breadth to the dispute resolution process in the community association and business arenas. His skills come from 40 years of experience in a variety of disputes and settings. He has tried over 150 lawsuits and arbitrations in Colorado and Wyoming. He has argued appellate cases in the Colorado and Wyoming Supreme Courts, the Colorado Court of Appeals and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. He approaches litigation like sailing across the Atlantic – which he has done- with preparation, perseverance and by confronting challenges head on. Bill is also dedicated and passionate about educating and assisting clients to avoid litigation and reduce conflict through strategic planning, wise risk management and effective negotiating.