ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) opened the Trademark Clearinghouse system on March 26. The Trademark Clearinghouse is intended to give trademark holders and brand administrators the opportunity for protection against trademark infringement arising out of the new generic top level domain (gTLD, or “Dot Brand”) program. gTLD means the top levelGoGo to Resource
David Closson
Shareholder - Transaction
Phone: 303.991.2000
Dave is a shareholder with Altitude Community Law and the head of our Business Law Group department. Dave is a Colorado Native, born in Boulder, with a law degree and MBA from CU. His years of running a business and handling real estate transactions is a perfect fit for associations. He is tenacious and tactical in accomplishing deals – no matter how small or large, and in the process he never fails to get the result the client wants.