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Recent Publications by ACL

Bankruptcy Basics

Bankruptcy … it’s the “four-letter word” that nobody wants to hear.  There are two types of bankruptcies that most individuals file.  A Chapter 7 bankruptcy (also known as a “liquidation” bankruptcy) will, upon completion, discharge the owner’s debt as of the date of filing.  A Chapter 13 bankruptcy (also known as a “wage earner’s” bankruptcy)Go to Resource
For the last 10 months the city of Arvada has been updating its existing Comprehensive Plan to guide future decisions relative to land use, transportation, economic development and other issues.  These changes may affect your association if you are located in Arvada.  The plan is now available at You can also attend one ofGoGo to Resource
With the changes that occurred in seeking FHA certification several years ago, many condominium associations decided it was easier to stop seeking certification and let buyers find other types of mortgages to finance the purchase of units within the condominium community. Well, real estate professionals are pushing back. A recent Washington Post article, and severalGoGo to Resource
With reality TV continuing to serve up “must-see” programs and cable networks expanding daily, many owners and associations may consider having filming in their community. If you do, a recent CAI article entitled “Lights. Camera. Action!” is a must read.  In this article, the author, Pamela Babcock reviews the agreements that are necessary to protectGoGo to Resource
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