Budgeting and Special Assessments – Common Mistakes

  • Budgeting and Special Assessments - Common Mistakes
     September 10, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

The CCIOA budget process is still unclear to many, especially when it comes to pre-CCIOA communities and imposition of special assessments.  When is owner approval required and when do we ratify?  Can the Board ever unilaterally set a budget for the next fiscal year without owner approval or ratification?  Can associations ever impose additional assessments …  Go to Event

Parking Violations and Towing

  • Parking Violations and Towing
     October 2, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

With an overall increase in complexity with respect to enforcement and what associations can and cannot do, we have also seen additional confusion and frustration when it comes to regulating parking in communities and having vehicles towed.  Whether you are unsure how long you have to wait before towing, what the towing notice is required …  Go to Event

Illegal and Criminal Activities in Communities – Do Associations have to Get Involved?

  • Illegal and Criminal Activities in Communities - Do Associations have to Get Involved?
     October 8, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

What do you do when an owner complains about a neighbor dealing drugs out of their unit, or when there are increased car thefts in the community and residents are demanding the association do something about it?  What about owners who feel threatened by other owners and are in fear for their safety?  At what …  Go to Event

Boulder City Class – Contract Disputes

  •  October 22, 2025
     6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Your association contracted with a landscaping company that did a horrible job on the property and everything looks awful!  It seems only fair that the association not pay the contractor for its shoddy job; in fact, the contractor should be paying the association for all the damages it caused to the common area.  Right??  Not …  Go to Event

Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation – What’s the Difference and Why do we Care?

  • Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation - What’s the Difference and Why do we Care?
     November 6, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Unfortunately, there comes a time in most associations’ lives when disputes cannot be resolved via conversations or handshake agreements.  In these cases, associations are forced to enter the legal arena when it comes to dispute resolution, and attorneys start to throw out terms such as “mediation”, “arbitration”, and “litigation”.  But what do these terms mean …  Go to Event

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