Thou Shall Not . . . A Refresher on all the Items Associations Cannot Prohibit

  • Though Shall Not . . . A Refresher on all the Items Associations Cannot Prohibit
     July 17, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

It seems that every year we get new legislation prohibiting associations from banning certain owner-installed improvements, making it very difficult to keep track of all the protected improvements.  This means it’s time for a refresher!  There may be some items you forgot about or didn’t realize were beyond an association’s capability to control or prohibit, …  Go to Event

Board Member Basics: Collections/Foreclosures

  • Board Member Basics: Collections/Foreclosures
     July 25, 2024
     5:30 am - 7:00 pm

No doubt our economy is improving and associations are starting to experience a smaller number of delinquencies.  But unfortunately, no matter how good the economy gets, delinquencies still exist and must be addressed by associations. Therefore, it is imperative for boards to become familiar with the collections process and what can and can’t be done …  Go to Event

Statutory Default Provisions — When Documents are Silent, What is the Answer?

  • Statutory Default Provisions — When Documents are Silent, what is the Answer?
     August 1, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Do you know that both CCIOA and the Nonprofit Act have default provisions that kick in when an association’s governing documents are silent?   These provisions can and should be utilized by associations whenever possible.  But what are these provisions and what do they pertain to?   Join us for this informative presentation highlighting some of the …  Go to Event

Owner to Owner Disputes: When Does an Association Have to Get Involved?

  • Owner to Owner Disputes: When Does an Association Have to get Involved?
     August 7, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

How many times have you received calls, emails, or texts from owners complaining about their neighbors and demanded the association do something about it?  Unfortunately, owners often try using associations to address all their problems, whether actually related to an association function or not.  But how do you know when the complaints require the association …  Go to Event

Insurance — Policy Exclusions and Endorsements

  • Insurance — Policy Exclusions and Endorsements
     September 5, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

When it comes to insurance training, the primary focus is typically coverage, deductibles, and claims submissions.  However, the purpose of this class it to focus on the various exclusions contained in association policies, many of which will come as a surprise.  In addition to looking at exclusions, we will also examine the feasibility of purchasing …  Go to Event

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