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Recent Publications by ACL

Board Members’ Rights and Duties Concerning Association Funds

Board members owe several overarching fiduciary duties: the duty of reasonable care and attention, the duty of loyalty to faithfully pursue the community’s interests, and the duty of obedience to follow the association’s governing documents and policies. To fulfill these duties, a community association board member must exercise appropriate financial stewardship. Responsible fiscal responsibility hasGo to Resource
Early yesterday CAI National issues a call to action regarding H.R. 4969, a bill that if passed could invalidate community association rules and architectural standards that govern the installation and use of amateur radio towers and antennas.  The bill as written would allow homeowners who want to install a radio tower or antenna for amateur radioGoGo to Resource
We have learned that there is a scam being perpetuated on owners in community associations.  Owners are receiving a mailing which indicates that if they are paying HOA fees through a bill-pay service they should “pay particular attention to the remittance instructions.  Our remittance address for payments has changed and it is imperative that youGoGo to Resource

Bankruptcy Basics

Bankruptcy … it’s the “four-letter word” that nobody wants to hear.  There are two types of bankruptcies that most individuals file.  A Chapter 7 bankruptcy (also known as a “liquidation” bankruptcy) will, upon completion, discharge the owner’s debt as of the date of filing.  A Chapter 13 bankruptcy (also known as a “wage earner’s” bankruptcy)Go to Resource
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