As we mentioned in our June 15th post, DORA is now offering online accounts for handling all your licensing needs. Starting new on Monday, June 29th, you’ll be able to set up your account. Click here for instructions.
Denver City Council has established a Sharing Economy Task Force to study the issue of regulation of short term rental of homes. In Denver, it is illegal to rent a residence for less than 30 days.
With the gaining popularity of sites like Airbnb and VRBO, municipalities nationwide are beginning to look more closely at how to regulate the short term rental of rooms or entire homes by individuals. After a lengthy public hearing, the Boulder City Council recently voted 7-1 to move on a proposal that restricts short-term rentals toGoGo to Resource
I. Changes In Employment-At-Will Doctrine A. The employment-at-will doctrine is, simply stated, that all employment is by the mutual consent of the employer and employee, and may be terminated at will by either party for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. B. Subsequently, virtually every state in the United StatesGo to Resource
With the seeming increase in dog-related issues appearing on the nightly news, associations are faced with questions as to how and to what extent an association may regulate dogs kept in the community. Unless there is a specific prohibition contained in the association’s declaration, an association may not restrict dogs or other pets from beingGo to Resource