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Recent Publications by ACL

As I look back over this series on Servant Leadership I realized that it was appropriate that I saved this characteristic for last, as I believe it is probably the most important one for a successful servant leader and is achieved by all of the other characteristics.  Trust is defined by Webster’s as “reliance onGoGo to Resource
We all know that diversity is a buzz word in the business world today.  Diversity in the context of servant leadership means valuing different opinions and seeking out contrary views.  By doing this the servant leader builds stronger connections and more robust teams within their association. How do you seek out contrary views, embrace andGoGo to Resource
Servant leaders need to be able to build community within their association.  When we think of building we usually think of constructing something like a house. You start with a vision, an architect reduces that vision to a set of plans, and then construction artists follow those plans and construct the home.  Is building communityGoGo to Resource
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