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Recent Publications by ACL

On May 10, 2021, HB 21-1310 was introduced in the House and assigned to the Transportation & Local Government Committee for review.  The bill’s main purpose is to broaden protections for homeowners’ “freedom of expression” in common interest communities under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) by changing how signs and flags are currentlyGoGo to Resource
Looks like the Colorado legislature is tackling retainages in commercial contracts. Retainage is a portion of the contract price withheld from a contractor as a way to make sure that the contractor will complete the job properly. Retainage is usually set between 5% and 10%. It is common in public construction projects where state laws fixGoGo to Resource

Turning Bad Documents into Good Ones

INTRODUCTION A community association’s governing documents – its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Declaration of Covenants – typically fall within three categories: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Take this quick self-test to determine where your documents fall: Yes  No ☐      ☐  Our association’s covenants contain declarant or developer rights that neverGo to Resource

Discrimination: An Overview of the Federal Fair Housing Act and a Study of Discrimination Claims Filed Against Associations

Introduction At one point or another many associations have had discrimination charges filed, or threatened to be filed, against them for violations of either the Fair Housing Act or their state-specific anti-discriminatory laws.  In some cases, the discrimination is obvious. For example, an association that refuses people of a particular religious faith to use theGo to Resource


An association reached out to our office when a contractor installing fiber-optic cables through a contract with a nearby school district, damaged their underground irrigation lines installed under a public right of way as a result of their excavation activities.  The Association incurred thousands of dollars’ worth of damage as a result of the contractor’sGo to Resource
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