At Altitude Community Law, it’s important that we keep our clients up to date with the most recent information in the community association industry. As part of our educational strategies, our webinars and other content will give you deeper insight into the intricacies of community association law. We believe that the right attitude stems from being well versed in the knowledge necessary for community association operations, governance, and enforcement.
Check out our ACE Webinars and educational offerings below. Or, you can also search the videos by topic on our Altitude Community Law YouTube Channel, under the playlists tab.
Insurance – Why Does it Cost So Much and What Can We Do?
As insurance premiums continue to skyrocket, many associations are at a crossroad as they can no longer afford to pay for the insurance they are required to maintain. So ...what options are out there for associations and are they within the confines of the law? In this presentation, we will explore various options for addressing this state-wide problem.[+] Show More
Insurance – Why Does it Cost So Much and What Can We Do?
As insurance premiums continue to skyrocket, many associations are at ...
As insurance premiums continue to skyrocket, many associations are at a crossroad as they can no longer afford to pay for the insurance they are required to maintain. So ...what options are out there for associations and are they within the confines of the law? In this presentation, we will explore various options for addressing this state-wide problem.[+] Show More
HOA Attorneys – How Do You Best Use Them and Save on Legal Fees?
As legal (and other) fees continue to increase, associations are ...
As legal (and other) fees continue to increase, associations are looking for cost-saving ideas. This presentation will focus on how to make the best use of the HOA’s attorney ...and save money doing it. You should not miss this class if your community is struggling to manage its budget and legal fees.[+] Show More
Little Known Requirements that Can Get Your Association Sued
As the HOA industry becomes more and more litigious, “substantial ...
As the HOA industry becomes more and more litigious, “substantial compliance” with the law no longer works and associations must be more careful than ever to ensure they comply with ...corporate and CCIOA requirements. For example, did you know associations are required to compile membership lists prior to sending out meeting notices? And such lists must be in alphabetical order, containing each owner’s address, and number of votes? Furthermore, such lists must be provided to owners if requested. In this webinar we will review some of the little-known requirements contained in the Nonprofit Act and CCIOA so your association can comply and protect itself from needless exposure to liability.[+] Show More
Collections – Are You Complying with the New Legislation?
The collection process is a difficult concept to grasp, but when the ...
The collection process is a difficult concept to grasp, but when the requirements and processes continually morph due to new legislation, debt recovery becomes even more difficult to understand. ...Plan on joining us for this much needed recap of the new (and old) processes that must be followed when associations utilize their collection remedies. With so many recent changes, you cannot afford to miss this one.[+] Show More
2024 Year in Review
The annual tradition where we look back at the prior calendar year and ...
The annual tradition where we look back at the prior calendar year and discuss what we learned from it. In prior years, there was a lot to talk ...about, and 2024 is no exception! In 2024, the industry was hit with an unprecedented number of legislative changes. Some of the legislation hit us hard, while other legislation only touched the industry peripherally. No doubt we have learned something from 2024 (just like we did from prior years).[+] Show More
Extraordinary Remedies: Foreclosures and Receiverships
The typical process for collecting unpaid assessments is to proceed ...
The typical process for collecting unpaid assessments is to proceed with a lawsuit after an owner has failed to pay off the debt, enter into a payment, or defaulted on ...a payment plan. This route, although successful in many cases, does not always provide the desired results. Thus, associations must look to alternative and extraordinary methods of collecting unpaid assessments. Judicial foreclosures and receiverships are such alternative methods. The question becomes which one should the association pursue?[+] Show More
10 Myths About Meetings, Proxies, and Voting
Misunderstanding or not knowing requirements for meetings, use of ...
Misunderstanding or not knowing requirements for meetings, use of proxies, and voting is easy, given the less than clear requirements in statutes and an association’s governing documents. Due these various ambiguities, many meeting myths have been adopted over the years, most of which are completely wrong. This webinar is intended to dispel many of the common myths and misunderstandings about meetings, proxies, and voting. Plan on joining us to make sure you haven’t fallen for any of these fictitious myths.[+] Show More
The Importance of a Smooth Board Transition
A community association’s success depends, in large part, on the ...
A community association’s success depends, in large part, on the professionalism, know-how, and attitude of the board of directors. And an excellent board is one that has been given the ...knowledge, tools, and resources to succeed in its role. So much of this information is transferred when board members get on or off the board, so a smooth board transition is key to the caliber of any given board. In this webinar we will discuss the importance of board transitions, including how to identify and recruit volunteers for the board, how to appropriately onboard new board members, how to retain both the knowledge and future service of board members who are leaving, and how to deal with a few problematic but common board transition scenarios (e.g., declarant transitions, staggered terms are no longer staggered, election/removal issues, etc.).[+] Show More
Dealing With Jerks
Let’s face it; people have not exactly been nice lately and most ...
Let’s face it; people have not exactly been nice lately and most individuals seem less patient, more stressed, less reasonable, and much angrier. The result, oftentimes, being a lot ...of jerks in an association making it difficult for boards, managers, contractors, and even other owners to do their jobs and have quiet enjoyment of their homes. So, what is an association to do? Plan on attending this session for tips and insights on dealing with jerks in your community.[+] Show More
Sneaky Governing Document Provisions That Can Bite You in the Booty
Let’s face it: nobody wants to read a 60-page declaration or a 30-page ...
Let’s face it: nobody wants to read a 60-page declaration or a 30-page set of bylaws and they probably don’t. This oftentimes includes the board members, committee members, and ...other association representatives. But there are lots of documents containing “sneaky” provisions and requirements that could make life very difficult if not followed. In this webinar we will go over actual provisions from governing documents and discuss real situations where associations got kicked in the booty because they did not read, and were not aware of, these provisions.[+] Show More
What Requires a Homeowner Vote?
Attorneys most often advise associations to check their governing ...
Attorneys most often advise associations to check their governing documents when it comes owner approval requirements. But did you know there are laws requiring owner approval of certain actions regardless ...of what the governing documents provide? This presentation will review actions association requiring owner approval so you do not accidentally make a board decision that should have been brought before the membership.[+] Show More
Insurance - Policy Exclusions and Endorsements
When it comes to insurance training, the primary focus is typically ...
When it comes to insurance training, the primary focus is typically coverage, deductibles, and claims submissions. However, the purpose of this class it to focus on the various exclusions contained association policies, many of which will come as a surprise. In addition to looking at exclusions, we will also examine the feasibility of purchasing endorsements to cover these exclusions and whether such endorsements truly cover what they claim to cover.[+] Show More