When Board Members Don’t Get Along

  • When Board Members Don’t Get Along
     July 10, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

When board members don’t get along, everyone loses.  Decisions are often postponed, bad-mouthing occurs, and the focus becomes much more about who is right, rather than what is in the best interests of the community.  What makes things worse, is that owners lose trust in their boards because the perception becomes if the directors can’t …  Go to Event

Case Law Update

  • Case Law Update
     July 16, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

In this session, we will review court cases from around the country over the last year that directly, or indirectly, impact associations.  By examining court cases, we gain valuable insight on legal interpretation trends as well as judges’ attitudes towards associations in general.  This allows boards to make better decisions by understanding the “climate” in …  Go to Event

What You Need to Know About Contract Disputes

  • What You Need to Know About Contract Disputes
     August 7, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Your association contracted with a landscaping company that did a horrible job on the property and everything looks awful!  It seems only fair that the association not pay the contractor for its shoddy job; in fact, the contractor should be paying the association for all the damages it caused to the common area.  Right??  Not …  Go to Event

Reviewing ARC Applications

  • Reviewing ARC Applications
     August 13, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

With the covenant enforcement process getting more difficult with each passing legislative session, it is imperative for associations to ensure they are not making any mistakes at the front end.  In our experience, one of the front-end processes that oftentimes causes difficulty for associations down the line, is the ARC review process.  Whether it’s approving …  Go to Event

Boulder City Class – Who is Responsible for Taking Care of “Weird Stuff” in the Community?

  •  August 13, 2025
     6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Does your community ever get requests from owners that are slightly out of the ordinary and cause confusion?  For example, have you received complaints alleging there are too many deer in the community who are damaging owners’ landscaping?  How about bats making homes in the attics or woodpeckers destroying siding?  In this webinar, we will …  Go to Event

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