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Recent Publications by ACL

Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications—What are They? And Why Should We Care?

When dealing with the operation of common interest communities, some people begin to take on industry vocabulary and just expect everyone else to understand what they are saying and how important the statement being made may be.  Statements such as, “Well, CCIOA (pronounced Kiowa) says, you must disclose board emails” and “the maintenance obligations forGo to Resource
In his October 13, 2013 column in the Vail Daily News, attorney T.J. Voboril says that if you already know about HB 1276 you are either a diligent homeowners association board member or you have a conscientious homeowners association attorney.  We hope it is both!  But, in case you aren’t as familiar with HB 1276GoGo to Resource
In a white paper issued by the Colorado HOA Forum, this group sets forth six issues for which it is seeking legislative sponsors.  The six issues verbatim are: 1.  Prohibit/limit transfer fees on HOA and other community property home sales. 2.  Require HOA special assessments over a specific dollar amount in HOAs with an annualGoGo to Resource

Bankruptcy And Its Effect On Collecting Association Assessments

An Overview These materials concern themselves mainly with the effect of a bankruptcy on a homeowner association’s ability to collect its assessments.  Put another way, the object of these materials is to acquaint association managers and Board Members with the skills that will be necessary to determine whether a delinquent debt will still be collectibleGo to Resource
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