At Altitude Community Law, it’s important that we keep our clients up to date with the most recent information in the community association industry. As part of our educational strategies, our webinars and other content will give you deeper insight into the intricacies of community association law. We believe that the right attitude stems from being well versed in the knowledge necessary for community association operations, governance, and enforcement.

Check out our ACE Webinars and educational offerings below. Or, you can also search the videos by topic on our Altitude Community Law YouTube Channel, under the playlists tab.

Is Your Community Ready for a Disaster?

Colorado is a really exciting state—we have wildfires, hail storms, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. But are you ready if one of these disasters hits your community? ...A little bit of planning before a disaster strikes can save a lot of time, money, and stress, then responding to a disaster after it hits your community, when no prior planning has occurred. So, what can your community do to prepare? Join us for this presentation where we will go over some steps you can take to prepare your association for a natural disaster. Hopefully a natural disaster never hits your community, but if it does, you’ll be ready![+] Show More
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