April 4, 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Managing landscaping issues is oftentimes one of the biggest issues that HOAs are tasked with. From what homeowners are entitled to install in their yards, to managing common area utility costs, to landscape design and community appearance. This class will have two parts: (1) a discussion of the legal issues regarding landscaping, including xeriscaping and water-conservation laws in Colorado, and how to effectively approach and enforce landscape installation and modification requests from owners, and (2) a discussion of landscape sustainability in general, including analyzing water consumption, evaluating opportunities for sprinkler efficiency, and learning how to design a “water-wise” landscape, fit for Colorado.
This class is being held at the Greeley Family Funplex Center – 1501 65th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634. To register please call Deborah DeBoutez at 970.336.4167 or email [email protected]
Questions? Please call 303.432.9999 or email [email protected].