Community Association Handbook

2013 Community Association Handbook.  Easy access to information about collections, foreclosures and CCIOA and also provides full copies of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act and the Colorado Revised Non-Profit Corporation Act.

It’s a Griswold’s Kind of Christmas

We’ve all heard the horror stories of over the top holiday decorations, TLC has gone so far to do a show aptly names “Invasion of the Christmas Lights”.  We’ve all watched the glorious moment when Clark Griswold dramatically plugs in his Christmas lights only to find out there’s a problem, but eventually with a flipGo to Resource

Melissa Garcia Awarded Educator of the Year

We’d like to congratulate Melissa Garcia on being awarded “Educator of the Year” by the Southern Colorado Chapter of the Community Associations Institute.  Melissa was presented with the award during the Chapter’s annual Holiday Party held on December 4th. The Educator of the Year Award is presented to the individual who excels in furthering CAI’sGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner-Interest on Delinquent Accounts

If your governing documents are silent concerning the rate of interest to be imposed on delinquent assessments, how do you set the rate? It may assist you to know that CCIOA sets a cap on the rate of interest that may be charged by post-CCIOA communities.  Specifically, Section 315(2) of CCIOA caps interest on delinquentGo to Resource
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