What in the World is a “Stip?”

“Stip” is common slang for “Stipulation.”  A “Stipulation” is a legal term that generally identifies a written document that sets forth the agreed upon terms and conditions of a settlement between two parties to a lawsuit.  In the realm of community association collection actions, that generally means a settlement between the delinquent owner and theGo to Resource

Ways to Address Increasing Foreclosures and Delinquencies

At the recent Law Seminar of Community Associations Institute, over 500 attorneys from across the country met for two days to discuss a wide variety of issues, especially the economic conditions facing associations.  Here is a list of techniques that are being used by associations to address increasing delinquencies and foreclosures: Budget for bad debt.Go to Resource

Usury and Unpaid Assessments

Generally, usury laws should not apply to homeowners association late fees.  However, some courts have not agreed.  Usury laws apply only to loans and homeowners association assessments are not considered loans.  However, homeowners and/or their attorneys occasionally attempt to argue that an association’s interest and late fees are usurious.  In order to fully protect anGo to Resource

Understanding Your Collections Status Report

Understanding what is happening with your association’s delinquent accounts at Altitude Community Law is probably one of your board’s top priorities in these tough economic times. One tool for you to use in fulfilling your fiduciary duty with respect to managing the financial assets of your association is our status report. We produce a statusGo to Resource

Understanding Bank Garnishments

How Does a Bank Garnishment Work?  In your recent status report from Altitude Community Law it says that the court has issued a bank garnishment. Is that good news? What can you expect as a result?  These questions and more are addressed below. What is a bank garnishment?  It is a document issued by theGo to Resource
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